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VariPump Manual

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EA VariPump

Varipump by Evolution Aqua is a controllable pond pump, suitable for large ponds. Output and energy consumption can be controlled at the push of a button and the motor is quiet and reliable. Available in three sizes, Varipump is powerful enough to run the largest of ponds and filters, and in the most demanding of situations. Varipump is suitable for use in and out of a pond. Hosetail fittings included.

Varipump can be installed either dry, as part of a gravity fed filtration system,
or submersed in water, as part of a pump fed system. When installing in
gravity fed systems ensure unions are fitted (not supplied) to enable removal of
the pump for cleaning and maintenance.

The pump is not self-priming. Therefore, if the water level is below the pump, a
non-return valve must be installed below water level. The pump and inlet line must
be primed prior to start up. For non-flooded installations a checkvalve
(foot valve) is recommended.

ea VariPump Details

ModelMax FlowMax HeadPowerInlet/OutletIP Rating
VariPump litres/hr(UKgph) metres (ft)wattsInches BSPM Thread 
1000010000 (2200)3.1 (10.17.)75 1½"/1½" NA
2000020000 (4400)5.5(18.1) 1902"/2" NA
3000030000 (6600)7.90 (25.9)4502"/2" NA

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